Filipa Martins Silva, Filipa Caetano


Purpose: Folie à Deux (FAD), conceptualized as the transference/induction of delusional ideas from one person to another, is a challenging psychiatric syndrome, in its rareness, pathophysiology and treatment. We present a case of Folie imposée in an isolated couple.  Case Description: The persecutory and reference delusions of the husband (the active element, truly psychotic) were transferred to his wife, who offered little resistance in accepting the delusions and did not elaborate them. In contrast to the expected, the husband had better adherence to the treatment. On the other hand, the wife actively refused the treatment for several days, which we perceived to be a consequence of the nearly total dependence of his husband guidance. The latter, gradually improving, was very collaborative in persuading his wife to also engage in treatment.  Conclusion: Particularly relevant to note, are the relational features: both in the analysis of cases and in the therapeutic approach.


Shared Paranoid Disorder; Psychotic Disorders; Family Health; Social Networking.

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Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria. ISSN: 1414-0365